TWITTER TEXT (featuring TIKTOK, YouTube videos)

"You can download the TikTok app on your smart phone, via 'Play Store'... and watch videos, after creating an account..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Agreed..." - Prayer Woman

"This blog is a workout, of Michael Izuchukwu... the Prince of Darkness..." - Toned Stomach Woman

YouTube ( 
Dailymotion - the home for videos that matter (
"You might see a successful person, but you may not know the story... of how he/she got there... If you don't have a story of your own, you might be on a different shelf... of the library..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"...some people are like books, and can be read easily..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"If you're not physically fit, your 'powers of perception' are situated at a disadvantaged 'vantage point'... and you have yet to realize, your potential... Every organ in the human body, has a subtle effect... on one's degree of awareness... when one looks at how they work together, to refine one's overall disposition..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"A human body is like a machine, exhibiting a certain amount of caloric expenditure... daily... Work input and output, and energy input and output... play a role... in 'physiological efficiency,' over time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I suspect that 'atomic vibration' may account, for 'cellular degeneration'... Such behavior at the microscopic scale, influences that which is observed... at the macro-level... and may account, for the variation in a human form... over time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"A healthy breakfast, is a great way to start the day... People tend to burn a contrasting amount of calories, during such... depending on their rate, of sedentariness..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I had a banana for breakfast this morning... They can be beneficial, for energization... given their potassium content...
...such was also accompanied by 2 eggs, and a ham cut... which was quite tasty..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 6:37 AM (8/5/22)
2 eggs and ham (6:29 AM, on 8/5/22)

"I have written more words than I can recollect, over the years... via countless blogs, and on a multitude of social media sites... I'll assume 'you' have been tuning in..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook ( )

Where do you see yourself, in 5 years? More importantly, what do you truly want out of life... A number of steps must be taken, to reach a destination..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"For what should it profit a man, to gain the whole world... but lose his own soul...?" - Mark 8:36

"You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." - George MacDonald

"The human soul is what primarily distinguishes a human's personality..." - Michael Izuchukwu




Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (



[“Many WNBA players have traveled around the world to play in the offseason because they don’t make enough money during the season -- an issue that is not as prevalent for NBA players. The top WNBA salary is $228,000 per season, whereas star NBA players make over $20 million a year…”] 

(a possible initiator, of that which transpired... in the above article... I suppose 'overseas' travel requires taking, a number of precautions)


'I Have Asperger's, Here's What Everyone Gets Wrong' (


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz309) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


Aftermath of getting hired for a behavioral contractor job (3:18 PM, on 4/20/22) - YouTube

(106 days or 3 months & 15 days, ago)

Lyft ride after getting hired for a behavioral contractor job (3:49 PM, on 4/20/22) - YouTube


How Rich People Think About Money (Psychology of Money) - YouTube

(nice song collection)




[a photo of United States Representative, Jerrold (Jerry) Nadler... here, he has the vibe of 'believe me, when I say'...]
"Seconds after exiting the dining area of my dominion today, I noticed that a dude ('middle-aged and balding') walked by with a mask on, resemblant of one of mine... that had gone missing in one of the public restrooms... weeks ago... At the time, I had stepped out of the shower... ...soon enough, to see this individual... preparing to depart from the restroom. He attested to not knowing anything about the 'missing mask,' then... and yet today, the 'thickness' of such... made me believe, the 'theft' was indisputable..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"A photo someone 'of' my dominion, had snapped of 'the dude'... who was sleeping on the floor... as of 9:36 PM, on 7/30/22 (he subsequently sent such to me, via e-mail)... I had been inside the 
bathtub, that is to the left... of where the 
photographer had been standing..." - Michael Izuchukwu (to my understanding, 'the middle-aged'
dude has been camping there... routinely, for no less than 2 months)




Congrats to the new beautiful couple @Sammy Furrha @The Furrha Family (


Alien Autopsy | Men In Black | Voyage - YouTube



FunnyMedStudent ( TikTok | Watch FunnyMedStudent's Newest TikTok Videos



Zahra (@zahramxm) TikTok | Watch Zahra's Newest TikTok Videos

"In the thumbnail ('displayed photo') of this video, a female has the look of 'woah, dude... what are you'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 



funny2691 (@funny2691) TikTok | Watch funny2691's Newest TikTok Videos



6foot9guju (@6foot9guju) TikTok | Watch 6foot9guju's Newest TikTok Videos



leah (@leah.prizant) TikTok | Watch leah's Newest TikTok Videos

"A lot of effort ('time consumption,' perseverance, focus and caloric expenditure...) is required, to reach certain plateaus... or milestones..." - Michael Izuchukwu



jbiebspowerr (@jbiebspowerr) TikTok | Watch jbiebspowerr's Newest TikTok Videos



Kylie Jenner (@kyliejenner) Official TikTok | Watch Kylie Jenner's Newest TikTok Videos



liana (@itsslianaa) TikTok | Watch liana's Newest TikTok Videos

(have to be on the lookout, for certain people who force you to 'read between the lines')



222 (@jacquemiss) TikTok | Watch 222's Newest TikTok Videos


tatum stall (@tstall2) TikTok | Watch tatum stall's Newest TikTok Videos


Maryna Viazovska, mathematician: Imagining a world in eight dimensions is ‘bad for your health’ (

"Personally, I believe that there are intrinsically valid ways to live one's life... Ideally, one can do such in way... that permits one, to see the fruits... of one's labor, decades later..." - Michael Izuchukwu



Fields Medal: Maryna Viazovska - YouTube

"If it takes 13 years to develop an equation, my estimation is that this is the line of thinking... that is necessary, to reach another galaxy..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 2:29 AM (7/10/22)

"In dimensions 8 & 24, the bounds approximated the density... of the packing, regarding Maryna Viazovska's insight..." - Michael Izuchukwu 1*Br_EmXZ-p1z8wQ67YyJyvw.jpeg (1023×1141) (, 2:40 AM (7/10/22)

see: Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael58233501) / Twitter


How To Use Your Triggers To Your Advantage [Spiritual Expansion] - YouTube

(adversity is necessary for spiritual growth, but only a 'rational' amount)

"A life influenced by the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, is subject to refinement... by the realm, of the spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[this couple kind of reminds me of doppelgangers (look-alikes) of Ciara and Russell Wilson]

"Interesting video thumbnail... upon initially reading the caption, I got the impression that such was attempting to state it has been believed that Johnny Depp has an 8-million dollar body... and that he was looming around, to collect a debt... ...such could have been reworded better...
...If anything, I would be wondering what country 'he' had been imported from... Indonesia, came to my mind..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(a woman, resting, getting dressed, working out and eating, drinking)

(interesting commentary, in the context of there being a difference between 'net worth' and 'net worth frequency')

(sounds like 'Star Wars' music)

"Interesting video, of Syrian President Bashar Alassad... on a stroll... when viewing such, I got the feeling that in certain arenas of life... a human may need to have a certain vector (magnitude and direction), which permits him/her to have 'fluid interactions'... which may only happen, after gone over enough hurdles (something about 'relativity,' I suppose... and contrasts in experiences, over time)..." - Michael Izuchukwu



(wise words on self-development, and seizing the day/'carpe diem')




(people have varying motivations, for why they work)


(interesting psychology)





(something about this video, is critiqued by video #3)



(woman making a healthy breakfast)



"A man is not the same yesterday, as he is today... or tomorrow... One should strive, to be further along the path.. to the fulfillment, of one's ideals... day by day..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Those who abide in the ways of 'spiritual righteousness'... will receive favor, from Jesus Christ (who presently performs the function of God, in the spirit realm)... in the context, of His teachings, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Trinity..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"To envision oneself as one will be, ahead of time... is a great means of deterring, regret... for those who deeply question, what living intrinsically... means..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24

"Time is relative, to the observer..." - Albert Einstein

(An evening delight, at my former apartment... on 10/19/20, at 10:11 PM)


1. "The book 'Flatland' was written in 1884, by Edwin Abbot... I surmise that Albert Einstein must have read such, giving him insights... about geometric principles... which he applied to the concept of spacetime, and 'higher dimensions'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2. "Interesting TED video, on the three 'spatial' dimensions we humans are primarily familiarized with (length, width, and height/depth)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
TED-Ed - Flatland
I was invited to collaborate with TED-Ed to create an animation to introduce the novella "Flatland" by Edwin A. Abbott. I was responsible for all aspects of...
